
We’re a non-standard church… but we love God, the Lord Jesus and the Bible. Come along and give God another go. We’re a church for the unchurched, for those disillusioned with church, for those tired of religion and who want personal connection and relationship with God and Jesus. Best way to see how we are, approach we take, what we teach, is to see Duncan’s past sermons in Croydon at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqHWDPHDmR_wAAABA1j2bhI5eVolNv5Pt
Duncan has written a commentary on every verse of the Bible, which you can get on his app “The Bible Companion” from https://www.freebible.info . There’s also 35 years of past sermons from Duncan there.


SUNDAYS AT 1:30 pm:

The Orchard,
112 Cherry Orchard Road,
East Croydon CR0 6BA .
( 6 minutes walk from East Croydon station. )


The Venue, 3 to 7 Middle St, Croydon CR0 1RE

[opposite Primark, corner of Church Street and Surrey Street market, next to KFC], nearest tram stop: George Street or Church Street

EVERY MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY at 1 PM, free coffee and snacks from 12. Free meal after church.

More info: Duncan 07481122558, Cindy 07481120989, Spiro 07793082987



Cindy and I for 15 years pastored a church in Riga, Latvia. We gave a 30 minute Bible study and then a meal to people- and baptized hundreds of people over those years. The large church that arose from it was shall we say a bit non-standard. But then, who is “standard” anyway? We have a focused love of God, of Jesus, of the Bible, and are open to His leading. We’ve more recently moved back to the UK to care for my elderly father in South Croydon. And we don’t much have a local church that fits our style. So… we’re doing “Church in a pub”. Come along to the service on Sundays at 1:30 at The Orchard pub, and we’ll shout your Sunday roast afterwards. Simple as that. Bring a friend. Just let me know ahead of time if you’re as serious as we are about the roast, so we can book enough meals! I’m Duncan, 07481122558 or email freebibles2000@gmail.com . God bless… and hope to see you there.

Duncan and family